physics page 

Drei Figurinen eines Objektes

Dark Matter


You can see normal Matter, you can do 'chemistry' with it and it is attractive

Dark Matter is only attractive

The observational results were clear: on the one hand, some stars near the nucleus of some galaxies showed extreme trajectories and, on the other hand, the galaxy arms did not move as expected.
In order not to question the general theory of relativity, physics had to invent enormous amounts of invisible 'dark' matter. The strange trajectories near the galactic nucleus are now usually explained by suspected black holes.

The strange behavior of the galaxy arms could only be explained by enormous amounts of dark matter, which must be specially distributed in the arms and must be closer and denser towards the center of the galaxy.
Just have a look at the Wiki for background.

The term ́dark matter ́ does not stand for a substance, but for an observed effect. We only call this 'dark matter' because we associate gravity (the mutual attraction) exclusively with heavy matter visible to us. A gravitational effect without a material cause is inconceivable for us - and in fact this also disturbed the physicists.

The cohesion of the material objects of Quantum Mechanics (QM) is based on object-internal forces. With the help of standardization methods, QM can calculate correctly without considering an interaction of the outside/world background with the object. The space of quantum mechanics (the quantum vacuum) always has a positive energy content. Out of this quantum vacuum new matter is constantly created, but it immediately dissolves into it - like foam combs in the ocean. See for example here. 

So we inend to come to a vivid picture of a process in which an enormous, very locally concentrated gravity arises - the 'black hole' and also to picture of a process that could be responsible for the strange, wagonwheel-like motion of entire galaxies.

What about black holes

Black holes are characterized by an enormous attractiveness, which emanates from an extremely small area of space (Schwarzschild radius) that cannot be 'seen' directly. According to the observations dark matter is mainly suspected there (dark blue in the image below):

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What might a process that produces dark matter look like?

We read above that matter can arise from the quantum vacuum. Since heavy matter is a very concentrated form of energy there  must be a loss of  energy in this quantum vacuum during the process of formation of matter. If this matter immediately dissolves into the quantum vacuum, this will have no visible effect on the energy content of the quantum vacuum at this point.(->here)

If, however, matter arises from vacuum energy and does not immediately decay, then the energy content of the quantum vacuum in this section of space should be significantly reduced.

The effect of vacuum energy can be seen as a kind of pressure that acts on the environment from a section of the room. As a rule, the balance to the environment does not change spontaneously, but if part of the vacuum energy condenses into new matter in a section of space without immediately decaying, then this pressure - the 'unbound' vacuum energy - must fall in relation to the amount of the condensed matter.

In order to get an idea of the process, we again try the interaction principle described here, according to which space and matter form an inseparable unity.
Heavy matter is stable and resonantly vibrating wave packets in a space filled with momentum-bearing objects, and quantum mechanics sees it the same way. However, the material object is not always called a wave packet or resonance, but often also a harmonic oscillator. In our model of gravity, a section of space in which matter forms from vacuum energy would be very, very violently attractive to its environment.

Gravity would be the result of the accumulation of a lot of momentum needed to form matter waves. From the outside you can not necessarily 'see' this formation of matter - a resinous hole does not let any rays of light outside. We have already illustrated the enormous energy density of heavy matter here.

 The new matter would disappear into the black hole and the vacuum energy condensed into it would trigger the enormous attractiveness (gravity) of the black hole. A black hole would thus be an object that converts vacuum energy into heavy matter and/or EM wave packets and is therefore enormously atractive. Of course, the new matter would then have to go somewhere. Either the black hole accumulates them in itself and gets bigger. Or it finds a way to get rid of a part of it anyhow. Perhaps as a jet of matter that goes into space orthogonally to the plane of rotation of the black hole. We already know these jets ...

image from network:   3c120.marscher.still_large.jpg

What about Spiral Galaxies

When an extended system held together by gravity rotates, the outer objects are expected to move more slowly than the inner ones. After all, gravity must balance itself with the centrifugal forces, otherwise the object either falls into the center or flies away completely. Gravity decreases from the inside to the outside - ergo, the rotational speed generated by the centrifugal force must also decrease.

Spiral galaxies however often showed otherwise, because the galaxies behaved more like a wagon wheel - they were stiff! This, too, ultimately prompted physics to introduce dark matter. It should be embedded in the arms and thus bring about the rigidity of the entire structure. There are animations on the net and also graphics in 3D, how and in what concentration the dark matter would have to be localized in the galaxy arms in order to cause the observed behavior. See for example here.

Now the gravitational effect of mass in our perception is the result of the very weak interaction (10 exp-120 impulse -> angular momentum) of the ICO (ImpulseContainingObject) stream coming from universe with heavy matter. 

From the heavy matter an altered impulse current goes back into space. The ratio of momentum to angular momentum of the ICO is changed after the Interaction in favor of angular momentum, which has an effect on the attractive effect on other heavy matter (gravity) and also on the light waves in space (light deflection in the gravitational field).

The properties of the quantum vacuum are thus changed in a certain way by the interaction with the heavy masses in it. Part of the momentum of the ICO becomes angular momentum, while the total energy per volume of space generally remains the same. The deeper you dive into a collection of matter such as a galaxy or star clusters, the more frequently the ICOs from the world background have already interacted with matter from the galaxy. Each time there will be a further shift in the ratio of momentum > angular momentum. Inside such accumulations of matter the quantum vacuum will have different properties than far away from these accumulations.

The ever-increasing proportion of angular momentum will be at the expense of the linear impulse of the ICO. Duie Differnz gets stronger the further we get inside. Now, however, the internal angular momentum of an ICO at WW with a heavy matter wave causes an orthogonal - i.e. transverse to the direction of movement of the ICO - momentum. If one compares both regions - far out and deep inside - one comes to the conclusion that in WW with heavy matter far out because of the higher linear momentum of the ICO, the attractive-looking effect per unit mass should be greater than in WW of the same unit mass with the correspondingly weaker ICO inside the galaxy or the cluster. At the same object of matter, there should be a weaker gravitational effect in the middle of the accumulation than outside. This would correspond to a changing gravitational constant. It should weaken.... We may have heard of this before:  MOND.

Barriers to equilibrium

QM allows heavy matter to arise incessantly from the quantum vacuum and perish again in it. It is obvious to see this emergence and decay as a process of equilibrium that is stable in a range of environmental conditions.
At the edges of the condition spectrum, the equilibrium process becomes unstable, after all, this is the characteristic of all equilibrium processes - they can 'tilt'.

A first edge of the stability conditions (1) is a quantum vacuum in which the angular momentum of the ICO is dominant over its momentum. This would correspond to the state inside accumulations of matter. The instability of the equilibrium process is then shown by the fact that more matter is created from the quantum vacuum than immediately decays again.

Since we adhere to the conservation of energy, the impulse current emanating from the place of origin into the environment must be weaker by the amount of energy that has condensed into the newly formed matter that does not immediately decay. (See above).

If we assume a one-dimensional relationship, the other edge of the stability conditions (2) will be a quantum vacuum in which the momentum of the ITO is dominant over the angular momentum. The equilibrium process should now 'tilt' in the other direction.
So no new matter will arise there, but the opposite is to be expected and the matter present in this space will become unstable and threaten to decay.
Fermions and bosons would then disappear from our perception. The energy previously contained in them enters the vacuum energy and becomes 'pressure', the impulse current going from the decay site into the environment will increase. Read more here.

The genesis of matter under ambient conditions (1) will therefore result in a locally triggered, enormous attraction.
Under ambient conditions case (2) results exactly the opposite, a widely diffuse repulsion.
The question is obvious:
Are there indications or observations that suggest the environmental conditions (1) or (2) favorable for attraction / repulsion?

I guess Yes:

1. The 'mysterious' attraction of dark matter has been observed in those regions of the cosmos where there is a large gravitational potential and a large gradient of this potential. These would be the above-mentioned conditions, in which the process tilts and matter (fermions and bosons) is formed from vacuum energy - and thus a regional 'pressure loss' that produces this 'mysterious' gravitational effect.

2.The equally 'mysterious' repulsion effect of dark energy, on the other hand, has been observed in the regions of the cosmos where there is a great void - the voids. These regions are characterized by exactly the opposite of 1., because there is an extremely low gravitational potential and there is no gradient in momentum space. Here matter becomes uncomfortable and decays - into momentum / vacuum energy.

By the way, QM says that the  position of wave packages (matter waves) near electromagnetic fields can be predicted quite accurately. The matter waves are apparently kept 'small and compact' by the presence of an electromagnetically vivid environment.
On the other hand, the longer they traveled through the void, the less accurate the prognosis for the location of matter waves after long passages in a vacuum and in the absence of fields. Matter waves apparently 'diverge' there, at least the prediction possibilities for the expected location statistically deteriorate to more and more spaces, the longer the matter waves travel undisturbed in an environment without gradient.

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Physik Drei Figurinen eines Objektes
Beginnen wir mit NICHTS
Panta Rhei
Zur Mitte
1 Enklaven in der Metrik
2 Vier Dimensionen
3 Die Lichtgeschwindigkeit
4 Quanten in virtueller Welt