
Drei Figurinen eines Objektes

to realise what modern physics means,

...  seems to be an immoderate desire.
Why does time dilation, length contraction, or where do Newton's occult impulses come from, which in his law of gravitation force the moon into an orbit around the earth? Newton was convinced they existed. But he didn't want to worry about their origins. It was enough for him to be able to calculate their effect in his worldview with his formula very well.

Now one can somehow imagine ´impulses´, which incessantly divert the moon from its straight inertial path. They come from the world background and drive the moon a little further towards earth. The earth seems to attract the moon. But where these impulses come from and where they go, we cannot answer the question, we are like Newton. We have no idea of ​​that.

It becomes even more difficult to imagine the meaning of Einstein's theories of relativity (SRT and GRT ) and quantum mechanicas.

In order to understand this in the common sense, we would have to build on terms from our everyday life. The problem is: Nobody, not even physicists, have ever had direct experience in cosmology or quantum mechanics. Quite the opposite: From their own experience, many physicists doubt that one can illustrate quantum mechanics or the theories of relativity with a world model based on everyday experience. Judge for yourself.

For more than 100 years we have been confused by statements such as the constancy of the speed of light (in a vacuum). Now you can try to understand this statement, but you just can't get an idea how this light makes it so that it always arrives at us just as quickly.
And it's not just you. The statements of the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics simply cannot be mapped with our ideas of space (3D), time 1D) and particles (point-like particles).
Even so, these theories make the correct predictions. That is puzzling. But it is precisely the unimaginable part of it that leads us again and again to attempt a kind of imaginability. Solved puzzles provide fun.

Another such puzzle is, for example, the incompatibility of the theory of gravitation (GRT) with the standard theory of elementary particles. The standard theory (Standardtheorie) combines three interactions in itself: the strong interaction, the weak interaction and the electromagnetic interaction. The fourth interaction is gravity. But it cannot be combined with the standard model. Nevertheless, both theories have proven themselves many times. Without quantum mechanics and GRT no navigation device, no mobile phone and much more would work. A. more. Why is it that these two world models cannot be united? We only have one world. Misterious!

On the other hand, there have always been and still are observations that do not match the predictions of the theories. For example, astronomical data showed that either our assumptions about the distribution of matter in the cosmos are very, very wrong - or the GTR may not be correct. A few years ago, the majority of science opted for the first. The contradiction between observation and theory was eliminated by introducing dark matter (Dunkle Materie) and dark  energy (Dunkle Energie)  to the visible matter familiar to us.

30 years ago every physics student would have been laughed at for such a ´solution´ to the problem. But today these two dark ones represent more than 95% of the energy of the entire universe! Although we 'see' nothing else from either of them than their effect. Today the big bang is considered to be an unpopular, but almost ´alternative´ world model. But the resistance is growing (see here f.e.). Unfortunately, the theories are becoming more and more complex (and  here). The mathematical formulation is already very difficult, it seems mystical how the physicists come to a solution anyway and we prefer to be silent about the imaginability of the solution.

But not only the ART cannot answer some things. The standard theory of elementary particles also leaves many questions unanswered. The originally very manageable number of elementary particles grows and grows. Also some mathematical tricks are unpleasant that one had to do in order to be able to 'eliminate' infinities. The calculation of the electron in QM only delivers correct results if the mass of the elementary particle is
renormalized, i.e. set = 0.
Why?  Misterious.
Physics over the past few decades has given us very many and precise answers, but today there are more questions and riddles than ever before.

The aim of these pages is to make ´understanding´ of these strange statements possible. We will develop an interaction between ´space´ and the matter in it, which makes the results of the QM and the theories of relativity clear. To make this interaction imaginable in the classical sense, we resort to Newton's occult impulses.

In order to get closer to the previously announced interrelationship between space and matter, I recommend: Let's Start with NOTHING (Beginnen wir mit NICHTS) or, if you prefer to see the interaction develop on the basis of the potential model of QM, with the expansion of the Potential model. All further considerations are based on this correlation.


All science - not just physics - works with models of reality. Insofar as the theories developed from them enable good prognoses, we describe the theories as correct. If there are differences between the prognosis and the actual observation, the theory is questioned or rejected. Theories are often only supplemented and only rarely really replaced by other theories. But even these new ones are based on an abstract model of reality. It will stay that way. A complete picture of reality, a theory ´of everything´, we  never will find.

A short remark about the different styles that you will find on the pages here: My book (only  in german) ´Überall ist die MItte´ from 2003 I addressed the curious young people. (Excerpts highlighted in blue in the menu on the right). I actually wanted to formulate it in simple language, but I'm afraid that didn't always work. So please be lenient.


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Physik Drei Figurinen eines Objektes
Beginnen wir mit NICHTS
Panta Rhei
Zur Mitte
1 Enklaven in der Metrik
2 Vier Dimensionen
3 Die Lichtgeschwindigkeit
4 Quanten in virtueller Welt